How to use openMap4u

Create a new openMap4u instance (with the default settings).
OpenMap4u oM4u = new OpenMap4u();
Optional override the default settings.

Create a rectangular drawing canvas with the given width (=4 cm) and height (=2 cm).
OverrideDrawOrWriteable myCanvas = oM4u.getCanvas(4.0, 1.0);
Optional set the area of interest.

Draw "Hello world" at the given position on the canvas.
  oM4u.get(Text.class).text("Hello world").center(0.5,0.25)
Write the output.
Which results:
the result
But wait you can do it much faster and simpler with the fluent builder pattern
new OpenMap4u().canvas(4.0,1.0).draw(
    om4u.get(Text.class).text("Hello world").center(0.5,0.25)